
These pages are written by me, Caroline,  a full-time working mum of one, Will, now a Primary School teacher, and wife of an Iranian-born British subject. Life is interesting and challenging at times and keeping on top of my mental health is a priority. As well as working full time, I have many and varied interests and hobbies and sometimes get overwhelmed with trying to juggle my life so that I get to do everything I want to do.

For me it’s all about resilience and positive thinking. Doing something I enjoy and being with people I love and who make me happy. I have said “Goodbye” to all those who drained my energy and resources and am quite content with the life I now have and enjoy.

Smell the roses.  Smile and someone will smile back.


30 thoughts on “About

  1. I would like to steal your words and use them as my own they resonate that well. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. That has led me here to you.

    I’ll be back.


    • Hi, great to hear back from you. Of course, please feel free to “steal” my words as you put it! I only borrow them and put them is a different order to others so I am more than happy to share. Take care and keep writing.

  2. Best of luck to you. I also blog about depression and PTSD, hoping to reach and inspire others. I also find writing to be a form of therapy for myself. I look forward to following your blog…

    • Thank you so much-it means a lot to know there are others out there! I’ve had a very brief look at your posts and they look amazing. I have to go out now so am not going to comment until I can do it properly but I will be back. Well done and keep it up you are an inspiration.

  3. WOW. I am really glad PapaJoe lead me here. I think I would like to subscribe to your writing…there are some days…some days that last for many days…thanks for your giving healing heart

  4. Great to discover this blog! Unfortunately my personal blog where I have written quite a lot about what helps me, is in my home language (Afrikaans). But I have recently added my Diary of a depression fighter to my Springsteen blog at http://www.marilebetterdays.wordpress.com. To understand the link between Springsteen and depression, read my posts at http://marilebetterdays.wordpress.com/these-are-better-days/ and http://marilebetterdays.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/out-of-the-badlands-into-the-promised-land/).

  5. I am glad you are here, and writing every day. I know it helps me to write about what I know, the rough with the smooth, the ways in which depression and anxiety can be a part of our lives and the way in which our lives can be about living and creating and moving and gardening and loving. The light and the dark, Keep sharing. I read you every day.

    • Hi Julia- thank you so much for your kind comments and I’m so pleased that you find my writing helpful. I promised to write openly and honestly about my experiences and some days are better than others but I’m still here. Take care. Caroline x

  6. Hi there,

    I thought the website we have been developing might be of interest to you and your visitors: http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk

    The purpose of the site is ultimately to provide the UK with a huge counselling support network, enabling those in distress to find a counsellor close to them and appropriate for their needs. This is a free, confidential service that will hopefully encourage those in distress to seek help. The website also contains a number of sections on emotional disorders (types of distress section) and provides some useful statistics. Every counsellor on the site who has submitted their profile has either sent a copy of their qualifications and insurance cover to us, or is registered with a professional body online with recognised codes of ethics and practice, this way we can be assured of their professionalism.

    I was wondering if you would be able to provide a link to our website, possibly from your information section here: http://poppyposts-blog.net/. I think our site could be a useful resource for those looking for support or general advice about counselling. Here is the page that links directly through to information about Depression: http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/depression.html.

    Thank you very much for your time, I hope to hear from you soon.

    Kindest regards

    Emily Attewell

    e: emily@counselling-directory.org.uk
    w: http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk
    t: 0844 8030 235

  7. hello caroline
    thank you so much for your lovely comment, it means a lot 🙂
    I too have a diagnosis of chronic depression and like you often feel I was born depressed 🙂 these days I try to look at it like I’ve become a very sensitive person due to things in my childhood and I totally agree that creating things and finding the beauty in life is soooo helpful.
    I really love your art work, so intricate and beautiful and I’m loving your philosophy on life…. thank you for sharing xx

  8. Thank you so much clothmonkey, I really appreciate the One Lovely Blog Award. It is particularly well timed as I’m feeling a bit jaded after a busy few weeks and this really cheered me up. 🙂

    • Hi- I’ve posted a couple of comments on your Blog posts. You are tired but you can deal with this and live a great life. You need to ditch the guilt and love yourself enough to make you the priority. It’s hard. It’s tough, and it probably goes against your natural thought process but you can learn to love yourself enough to give yourself time to heal. I’ve done it and am still learning but it has to be done 🙂

  9. Caroline,
    I just read some of your posts and I would like you to know that you have inspired me in so many ways. I specially paid much attention to your Persian Posts which, honestly, rekindled my desire to backpack in Iran and experience cultural immersion. I have always been wanting to travel around Iran but had been putting it off for security/safety concerns. I’ve obviously been feeding on what the media has been portraying about Iran. After reading your posts today, I felt a certain kind of sincerity and honesty in the way you are presenting what I need to know about the country. Can I just tell you that you just made me decide to finally pursue me long-time dream of seeing the beautiful but often misunderstood land of Persian culture. Thank you very much. And by the way, I was in London for the Olympics. There was nothing I couldn’t like about London. I fell head over heels in love with your people. Now I know that the risk about visiting London is not wanting to leave. I have some pictures of your amazing London http://www.roelcabulangphotography.com if you have time to visit. Kind regards to your husband and your son. And yes, I will be in Rio in 2016. Who knows, I may bump into you and your family over there. And if you and your family would wish to visit Washington DC anytime, do please let me know. I have a home ready to welcome you. Have a nice day. Cheers!

  10. Hi there! wow! I am so pleased that you have taken the time to read about my Iranian experiences and even more so if I have blown away just a few of the monstrous myths about this country and its people. I am sure that if you are a traveller with good intention and respect their culture you will be made to feel most welcome and what an amazing experience you will have let alone all those phot opportunities! I am no photigrapher but I take my camera everywhere and am rarely disappointed. I hope you get to see some of the country-good luck!
    London is a great place too and its nice to know that you found us so welcoming 🙂 Thanks for the very kind offer if we visit Washington! I need to practice longer flights before I make it across the Atlantic but one day perhaps….. Take care.

    • Hi Megan-thank you so much for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I will get round to the next steps soon 🙂 You are so lucky being in Aus with Kaisercraft on your doorstep…I love their stuff but we do have Merly Impressions here in the UK who are a Kaisercraft specialist stockist so I can’t complain. Have you done one of their Advent Calendars? I love them 🙂 Hope you are feeling OK and take care.

      • You’re welcome for the nomination 🙂 I didn’t know Kaisercraft was more limited in the UK. I guess I took it for granted. I haven’t done one of their advent calendars yet, but I’ve done some other off the page stuff which was fun. I’ll be posting about my most recent one soon actually 😀

      • Oh yes, there are some things we can’t get hold of easily and the Advent Calendars are quite often out of stock, especially at this time of year. I have done 2 Christmas versions and a couple of non-Christmas versions with pretty paper, buttons etc. I love their paper collections too and am using quite a lot for my nieces wedding scrapbook which I am starting to put together in readiness for her wedding next April. I can’t wait until I get my hands on the photos! Am looking forward to seeing your latest creation in due course….:D

  11. It is 3 years later, and I found your post again where you made a cat doorstop.
    You have used my pattern, which at that time meant the world to me. I am also struggling with depression but more on the anxiety side….
    And I have not posted anything for a long time and decided to delete my blog sometime this year.
    But seeing what you do and how you cope and help others, the positive impact it has…. made me think again…..
    I remembered the words I have read somewhere…. “Do not give up on something that once made you happy!”
    Well, may be I must not give up – not yet
    Thanks for who you are and what you share!

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